Thursday, 31 January 2013

Introducing Google Plus Profiles Cover Photos

Yesterday, Google announced a new interface that brings a lot of changes to Google Plus profile, one of the changes is Google plus Profiles Cover Photos – a new interface towards simpler and more beautiful Google. Trust me this time they made a clean and beautiful layout of Google plus – I love it!
However, the new Google plus profiles cover photos interface is similar to Facebook cover photos but Google did justice and have come up with an exciting look in their new interface. Here is an example of how cover photos look on Google plus profile.
Google plus profiles cover photos
In Facebook, users are allowed to use either a cover photos or to use without it but here Google is giving that old five thumbnail layout along with the cover photos layout. One can chose in between. Users can also upload GIF images to show flash image in their five thumbnail layout.

How to Change Google Plus Profiles Cover Photos

In just two simple steps you can change their Google plus profiles cover photos.
  1. Click on the profile icon present over the navigation bar and put your mouse over the photo to get the “Change cover photo” button.
  2. Once you clicked a popup menu will appear with two layout options, chose according to your choice and upload the photo (the dimensions are 960×179 pixels while the main profile image is 250×250 pixels). It will appear right after you hit “Ok” on your Google plus profile.
Google plus profiles cover photos
Watch the video below to get more detail on Google plus profiles cover photos

This is not the end, there is so much to come on Google plus profiles cover photos on RealTimeTricks, stay tune or subscribe to our daily newsletter.